DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting)

The abbreviation DVB refers to Digital Video Broadcasting and describes a transmission standard for television programs on a digital basis. The transmission takes place in different ways and can be terrestrial, meaning via antenna technology, satellite-supported or also as a fed-in cable network variant.

Several DVB variants available today

The first versions were already in use in the mid-90s. Several additional ones have been added over the years. Besides the actual transmission path, each of the types is also subdivided according to its bandwidth and certain frequency bands. The system was introduced to create a standardised method for transmitting digital television and radio signals.

With the advent of digital technologies and the increasing demand for high-quality TV and radio programs, it had become necessary to develop a new transmission method that would meet the requirements of the digital age.

Advantages Compared to analogue-based system:

  • Resolutions in HD or UHD are possible
  • Improved sound quality
  • Simultaneous transmission of several programmes
  • Features such as teletext and EPG

Disadvantages of the technology are particularly noticeable when using the terrestrial path. Bad weather can lead to interference or completely block the signal in-between. Quality losses are possible in case of bandwidth restrictions. For more information on the different types of DVB, see our list of the most important key points.

LaunchVariantTransmission typeBandwidthFrequency band
1994DVB-CCable6, 7, 8 MHzCable
1995DVB-SSatellite36, 72 MHzKu-Band
1997DVB-TTerrestrial6, 7, 8 MHzVHF/UHF
2005DVB-S2Satellite36, 45, 54 MHzKu-Band
2008DVB-T2Terrestrial5, 6, 7, 8 MHzVHF/UHF
2010DVB-C2Cable6, 7, 8 MHzCable
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